OR-T 50 of Orgapack: manually, welding, battery operated tensioning

Orgapack OR-T 50 hybrid strapping tool

Orgapack OR-T 50 can be considered as hybrid strapping tool as tensioning is done manually whereas sealing is battery-powered upon push of a button - and not manual with a metal seal as it is the case with manual strapping tools.

For some suppliers, Orgapack produces OR-T 50 in different colours under different names: Strapex STB 60, Signode® BHC-2300 or Cyklop CMT 50, for example. But it is always the same tool! For clients that have chosen ORT 50 mainly due to its lower price (compared to OR-T 200 etc.), LS-ZP 22 could be an interesting alternative as price is almost the same, but ZP-22 not only seals the strap battery-powered, it also tensions the strap upon push of a button. Furthermore, ZP-22 is equipped with a modern lithium ion battery without memory effect and its motor is a brushless one - resulting in significantly lower maintenance costs.

Orgapack OR-T 50